This picture is of one of our patients.
Very frequently people tend to ignore skin plights like rashes or red itchy skin and recourse to self-medication. However, it is significant to note that patches and red rashes on the skin can be more than just a skin allergy. Predominantly if they appear on the elbows, scalp, knees, lower back or intimate areas since these are the most patronized psoriatic areas.
But what exactly is psoriasis? First, let’s comprehend it.
Psoriasis According to Ayurveda
Our skin customarily sheds its layer every 30 days, and a new layer substitutes the older one. In psoriasis, this procedure becomes much faster and the skin cells are produced in 3 or 4 days. With the new skin ready to replace the dead skin and the dead skin unable to shed fast enough, there is a pile up at the surface. This leads to psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a chronic dermatosis disorder characterised by an erratic course of diminution & relapse. It is a non-infectious skin disease characterised by scaly, silvery patches mainly on the scalp and exterior surface of the body. But it can appear on any part of the body. Its exact cause is unknown. In Ayurveda, it closely resembles with ekakushta. The features of ekakushta explained in Ayurveda, resembles with the symptoms of psoriasis. Psoriasis has remained a challenge for modern science. There is no certain treatment for psoriasis in modern science till today. The drug available in the market used to treat psoriasis are not very effective and have local and systemic effects.
In Ayurveda, Vata pitta and Kapha dosha is the main causative factor for the disease. Due to vitiation of three dosha, the disease manifest and main line of treatment for psoriasis is panchakarma and internal medicine. It is considered the best method for skin disorder in Ayurveda.
Can I Use Ayurvedic Treatment for My Psoriasis?
Prescription medications used to treat psoriasis may cause uncomfortable side effects. As a result, you might seek natural treatments to help manage your psoriasis symptoms. One form of natural medicine is called Ayurveda medicine.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is an ancient, holistic form of treatment. It originated in northern India. Ayurveda is based on the premise that good health depends on a healthy body, mind, and spirit. It relies heavily on herbal remedies and living a healthy lifestyle, which includes:
- a healthy diet
- exercise such as yoga
- meditaion
- detoxification
Practitioners of Ayurveda believe that every person has a distinct energy pattern made of three types of energies. These energies are known as doshas, and include:
- Vata energy, which controls bodily functions
- Pitta energy, which controls metabolic functions
- Kapha energy, which controls growth in the body
Ayurveda practitioners believe if your doshas are out of balance, you may feel stressed or become sick. The goal of Ayurveda is to keep your doshas balanced for optimal health.
Ayurveda is not mainstream in Western medicine, but it’s gaining momentum. Its principles may be applied to most health conditions and are sometimes used to complement traditional medical treatments.
Ayurvedic psoriasis treatments
The main Ayurveda treatment used to treat psoriasis is Panchakarma therapy. Panchakarma treatments use plant-based remedies and dietary changes. These are meant to detox and purify the body. A vegetarian diet is often recommended.
The Panchakarma treatments include:
- consuming medicated ghee, a form of clarified butter
- purging and vomiting
- dripping medicated buttermilk on a person’s head
- covering the entire body in a paste of medicines and mud
- performing medicated enemas
The length and success of your treatment depends on the severity of your psoriasis and your commitment to the treatment.
Talking to your doctor
If you’re interested in holistic health, Ayurvedic treatments may be an option. You should not use them in place of traditional care, however. If you suspect you have psoriasis, it’s important to consult a medical doctor for a diagnosis.
Speak with your doctor and a trained Ayurveda practitioner if you have psoriasis and think Ayurveda may help. The mind-body connection seems to play a large role in overall wellness. Most mainstream doctors would not object to standard Ayurveda lifestyle changes such as:
- eating a healthy diet
- practicing yoga
- meditating
- exercising
Ayurveda remedies that help one person may not help another. It may be that developing a treatment plan that includes both mainstream and Ayurvedic medicine will give you the best of both worlds and the best results.
To help prevent drug interactions and negative side effects, be sure to tell anyone involved in your medical care about all the medications, supplements, and herbal remedies that you use.
Keeping an eye on the psoriasis progression, timely intake of medication, proper diet, regular exercise and most importantly, working closely with your Dermatologist to seek clear skin is key.
Like most chronic illnesses, psoriasis may be associated with other health conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. There is no cure for this disease so far, but with Ayurveda you can maintain it well.
We understand that Psoriasis is not just skin deep and may have a detrimental impact on life than what is visible. So, don’t hide anymore, and aspire for clear skin, now possible with the power of new biologics.
It’s time to UNHIDE psoriasis!
What is Psoriasis?
It’s easy to think of psoriasis as just a “skin condition.” But psoriasis actually starts underneath the skin. It is a chronic (long-lasting) disease of the immune system that can range from mild to severe.
Like most chronic illnesses, psoriasis may be associated with other health conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes. There is no cure for this disease so far, but with Ayurveda you can maintain it well.
Underneath the Skin
To fully understand psoriasis, you need to see what’s happening underneath the skin.
What happens underneath your skin when you have plaque psoriasis.
- While symptoms may appear on the surface of the skin, what you can see is only part of the story.
- With normal skin, your body takes about 28 to 30 days to produce new skin cells and shed the old ones.
- When your body has plaque psoriasis, your immune system is overactive, triggering skin inflammation and causing skin cells to be produced faster than normal. New skin cells are pushed to the skin’s surface in 3 to 4 days instead of the usual 28 to 30.
- But your body can’t shed the new skin cells at that fast of a rate. So while new skin cells are being produced, the old, dead skin cells pile up on top of each other.
- As more and more new skin cells are produced rapidly, the old skin cells are pushed to the surface, forming the thick, red, itchy, flaky patches known as plaques.
- The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown.
Our diagnostic system is very scientific in nature.
First we diagnose whether is actually psoriasis or any other skin disease. We adopt the methods of investigation like blood and skin biopsy and clinical method of investigation based on BSA and severity. As it has already been proved that psoriasis is caused and gets aggravated with stress. So we include psychological parameters as well. We use both the modern scientific and ancient approach to diagnose and management.
We design the protocol of the treatment only after knowing the psychosomatic constitution (an ancient way of ayurvedic diagnosis)
About the Author
Dr. Pashupati Nath is a well renowned Ayurvedic Doctor (MD),a coach, consultant. With 18+ years of experience as an Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Pashupati Nath works with his patients to help them unearth dormant capacities that lead to more fulfilling life through the physical, psychological and spiritual way of Ayurveda.
Besides being an inspiring Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Pashupati Nath is a gifted holistic coach as well and incorporates his knowledge of Ayurveda, myths and philosophy in his treatment – and by doing so, always manages to inspire those around him
For further details please contact us at Dr. Pashupati Nath – +91-9414043106